The Ideal Hiatus of Plastic

Acrylic, ink, marker. 2017. AP concentration.

Last month went by in a blur. My hiatus was largely due to the growing panic of AP exams and deadlines. While I was not blogging, I was scrambling through math problem sets and dubious art essays. I have to finish my portfolio in 2 weeks. I just have no time for anything else! (Poor excuse I know. )

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Acrylic, ink, marker. 2017.

As I am still trying to conjure an adequate theme for my art portfolio, the basis of it will be about recycling and mindfulness. I mindlessly toss plastic container after container into the recycling, but I never note the impact of my actions. How much garbage and plastic do I create in a week? A month? A year?

And wouldn’t the world be a better place if plastic recycling went into a hiatus, similar to my recent hiatus on wordpress?

To my HS senior peeps, holy crap, we are almost there, like I can smell the scent of caps and gowns in the air. I don’t drink coffee regularly, but I recently started drinking it every morning. I am just trying to get through the last two month of HS, alright? 😉

Ttyl (hopefully when I am less sleep-deprived and fully rejuvenated).

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